Integrity and Honesty
I’ve been thinking about these concepts a lot lately, especially since my CEO brought it up in our last All Hands meeting. About creating a culture of honesty within the company internally but also when we present to our audience, our users, our investors – being honest about who we are and what we have – but still being ambitious enough to set high goals and strive towards them.
For me, integrity and honesty (along with discipline and self control) are things that are best practiced in secret – when good habits start to stick and bad habits can start to peel away. If I’m all alone and I don’t do the things that I say I’m going to do to myself, then how can I trust myself to do the things I say I’ll do for other people?
I thought I had more to say on this topic but I can’t think of any other coherent sentences to write down… basically, all I wanted to say was that more and more I’m seeing the value of having integrity in both personal and professional life. But right now, I’m tired and all I want to do is crawl back into bed and take a nap but unfortunately there is no time for that. Time for coffee.