Photo Week #11
Fun and interesting views from this week:

A blogger capturing scenes from her visit to the Bay Area in anticipation of new content for her newly minted blog. Just kidding, I made her re-pose for this scene because she moved too fast for me to get her the first time. Thanks for being a good sport, Stacy. An actual parrot at the place I got my car oil changed – I could say “my auto mechanic’s place,” but I’ve only gone once and it seems too adult to say that I “have an auto mechanic.” And lastly, a night view of San Francisco from a rooftop bar where my brother and I ate dessert and drank a fizzy non-alcoholic drink because neither of us wanted to drink. Haha, living the wild life, we are.
If you’re a regular reader of mine (hi Sharon) then I’m sorry to say that I’ll be back in two weeks with more regularly scheduled posting! Taking a mini break while I’m traveling – slightly apprehensive to be going to Thailand but excited nonetheless. I don’t think I’m a good traveler because I get stressed out over things like lodging and planning (which is like, a good 80% of what traveling entails) but I’m doing my best to stay positive and look forward to this trip. Wish me luck!