Photo Week #11
Well, happy to report that it doesn't seem like I broke Junie by letting her cry/fuss herself to sleep a couple of times last week. Sleep was a little better for all, except for the times when I would wake up to phantom crying. I was 6/7 on waking up at 6:30 - it's nice being able to have a little bit of time to myself in the morning but is it worth it when I am so tired? I guess if I can consistently wake up early, then it will become habit, and then it won't feel so bad to get up earlier. Make myself into a morning person, haha.
And even if I do become that morning person, there will be days where it goes smoothly and days where it doesn't. Have I learned nothing from the past year? That I should show myself and Junie and everyone else grace to have these off days because that is just life and we are not robots?

I'm currently reading a book about boundaries, and it's given me some good food for thought about showing grace but also not being a pushover. And it's been good for me to learn what are developmentally appropriate expectations for Junie so we can somewhat work together. Are the days of meeting 50/50 nearer?! Maybe ever so slightly... but probably a very long way to go still, haha.