Photo Week #12
Another week down… and a few more to go. I read this article the other day (I should have saved it! If I come across it again I will post it) about how in the first few weeks of quarantine and social distancing everyone made an effort to connect with people, but now that initial surge of video chats and calls and texts has begun to die out because this is not just a “let’s help everyone get through this thing” but now it’s become “let’s figure out what our new normal is” and normal is now not seeing anyone.
This past week, I attempted to bake croissants (thank you Justine for providing the yeast) and after multiple measuring mishaps, the result was no flaky layers. But they still tasted fine. Not like croissants, but like a yummy fluffy bread. So I still count it as a success.

I also started and finished a 1000 piece puzzle. In one day. Not by myself, but over the course of like 12 hours.
This week, I plan to make homemade thin mints and paint my nails. And to continue exercising! I tried a HIIT workout this past week and it was so hard, but in that good way where you hate it during but love it after.

I also snuck this picture of someone’s front yard on one of my walks. I definitely felt creepy taking a photo of their yard (especially since there’s a high probability they were inside their house at the time) but it was so full of flowers and life that it made me happy. Thank goodness for flowers.