Photo Week #12

No Marugame Udon this week because I cooked!!!! For the first time in what feels like forever!!! I even posted content on @friendswithkitchens. Go me. I've been really grateful for the Doordash gift cards and friends bringing food, don't get me wrong, but I can only eat so much takeout. I feel like my cooking skills and intuitions have disappeared, and I'll have to build out my repertoire of easy meals that can be done within, like, 45 minutes. That sounds very doable, but check back in with me in a couple of months once I go back to work as well and we'll see how I'm doing.

The weather has been slightly better (although it is raining today, go figure) so I've been putting Junie in her cute footless onesies and rompers lately! More outfit choices for our chunky little girl who is growing out of her 0-3 month clothes quite quickly.

Another win this past week was that Junie stayed in the SNOO for a nap for longer than 30 minutes! I didn't know what to do with myself - my arms felt so free, haha. It has now happened twice and let's see if we can go for number three this morning... at least she has now stayed in long enough for me to start laundry and write this blog post.