Photo Week #14
We survived our first trip with Juniper!

I'm glad that we only had an hour long plane ride into Vegas as our first flight - Juniper just nursed and then slept for the flight there and back. She only fussed and cried a tiny bit, and handled the rocky landings like a champ! It seemed like I was more stressed about the turbulence than she was.
If you're wondering, Vegas is the absolute worst place to bring a newborn, haha. There's nothing that you can do with them, and it's too busy and traffic-y to reliably drive places and yet too hot (at least for most of the year) to want to walk super long distances. We decided to travel as light as possible and didn't bring our own car seat or stroller - Sam rented a car and we rented a car seat for the few car rides we did have - so Juniper just spent a lot of time in the carrier. She was very suspicious of the fake sky in the Venetian and was asleep for the pretty Cosmopolitan chandelier bar. Somehow we were able to do diaper changes just back at the hotel, so I have still never changed her in a public place! I guess that will wait for next time...

And then - the concert! Oh man, it was as great as I hoped it would be. Even just the preshow where they played the music videos was fun. The concert was epic. I'm a little sad we weren't able to get official concert merchandise (we waited 2.5 hours just to get the ARMY bomb light sticks!) but that's okay. I'm not sure when I will ever get the chance to see BTS perform live again, so I'm really grateful that this trip happened and that Jeremiah sacrificed a night out in Vegas to watch Junie. This is the longest I've been away from Junie - around five hours - and although she still didn't take the bottle, she did great with Dad! Overall I had a really fun time and I'm less afraid of traveling with her now. She hated the hotel crib, but we just co-slept with her and she slept her same amount so that was fine (although Jeremiah had to hold her for like three hours while I was at the concert... thank you again Jer).

Coming back from vacation, we all felt like we needed another vacation to recuperate from our vacation. Thank you mom for coming over so that I could nap first, so that these two could peacefully nap later on as well.

And ending off this post with the obligatory "Juniper is three months!" photo - our chunky little baby! Her current favorite activities are kicking her legs, grabbing everything from her clothes to the blankets she lies on, and talking. So much talking.