Photo Week #15

You know that emoji of the upside-down smiley face? That is a great representation of how I feel most of the time. Life is not bad! It's pretty good! But sometimes it feels like I am just along for the ride and flipped upside down, just hanging in there somehow. Surviving, not quite thriving - but hey, at least I can still smile right? Sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense, there wasn't a whole lot of sleep that happened last night, haha. I am dreading the four month sleep regression, because I feel so much anxiety over her sleep. I'm not sure if we're already in it, or if it has already happened (I think I wrote a couple weeks ago about how she would wake up super upset after an hour of going to sleep) - but I am trying to keep in mind a reddit comment I saw about how when you stop anticipating the sleep regression, it makes it easier to get through. Sometimes there are just bad nights of sleep! Even adults have that!
Anyways. I'm just going to end this post here because I don't think I'm making a whole lot of sense, and think about the yummy cupcake we had last week instead. (Thank you Justine for introducing Cupcakin' into my life - so good....)