Photo Week #19
I was so motivated and productive last Monday and then promptly got sick and suffered from allergies and ended up being... very unproductive the rest of the week. I ended up taking work off on Thursday and laid on the couch scrolling Instagram for a bajillion hours (my weekly screen usage report this week was... not great)

Thankfully recovered enough to be able to get to Justine's house on Saturday night where I am reminded that good friendship is key to a good life, especially ones who make it worthwhile to stay up until 2:30am (and who also don't judge you when you fall asleep first at 2am).
On Mother's Day, we went to a mini golf place and although Junie didn't really understand the point of using the putter to hit the golf ball, we all still had fun. It was pretty hot though and again allergies were killing us all, so I personally started wilting after like 30 minutes. Which makes me a little nervous for Disneyland in June. Maybe we will just end up going on It's a Small World 10 times in a row for the air conditioning...