Photo Week #2
Hello, world! I hope everyone had a restful three day weekend. This week my goal is to submit some more job applications and to continue checking off trivial things from my to-do list – things like “clean makeup brushes” make it on to my to-do lists because I like the feeling of crossing items off. It makes me feel accomplished. Of course, larger things such as “book plane tickets” and “fix alarm system” also make it on the list, and those are harder to accomplish, but at least a few of those get checked off as well.

Stacy and I finally made it to Bluestone Lane Coffee in San Francisco, and I made her dress like this one Instagram I saw. Unfortunately the lighting was not as bright and white as it is in that photo, so I didn’t actually make her pose like that… but I did promise to still put her on the blog and you can’t tell but Stacy actually did paint her fingernails red. Attention to detail!

For my dad’s birthday, we celebrated by taking a hike around our neighborhood (a “hike” which wasn’t really a hike because it was on pretty flat ground for the most part, but still took 2 hours) and going to the driving range where I rediscovered that it is a lot more fun to hit the golf ball farther with a wood than it is to hit it well with an iron. Although it was very cold, it was also a lot of fun and it felt good to spend time outside, getting natural Vitamin D.
Another goal I have for this year in general is to read more, again – I stopped reading last year and I didn’t finish the books that Jeremiah gifted me, so those are first on my list. If only George R. R. Martin would finish Winds of Winter…