Photo Week #20
After an entire week of “I can’t believe Joanna’s wedding is this weekend” and “can you believe Joanna’s getting married?!?” the day finally came – one that was so much fun and made me so happy that I have had the opportunity to make lifelong friends such as these.
Finished up the weekend with Great China and Ici’s. Our group is slowly growing due to the number of significant others and I’m low-key glad that we’ve gotten better at accepting them into our group as well. Maybe this means we are growing up and can more easily carry a conversation with others without relying on inside jokes, haha. Anyways, it’s always a good time with these old friends and I’m glad I could spend the weekend laughing and dancing the night away with them! My heart is happy (did I already say that? Shows how truly happy I was to see everyone this weekend) and now looking ahead to vacation…!