Photo Week #21
Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope you had a relaxing three day weekend. I had a weekend that hinted of summer to come and it was great.

I went to a Giants game on Monday, and saw several home runs and ate a LOT. It was wonderful. Sadly, I was wearing a three-quarter sleeve length shirt and I got sunburned on my forearms. What’s even more sad is I thought of putting on sunscreen before we left and didn’t. So it is purely my own fault.
We had our first in-person small group gathering outside, and I made my favorite potluck dish, guacamole! I forgot to take a picture of the actual finished guacamole and when I went to go take a photo, it was all gone. That is a sign of a successful potluck dish.
I also got a real haircut for the first time since… December 2018. (I just reread old blog posts to figure this out. I did not post my selfies of my haircut at that time. But I will post this selfie.) Currently my hair does not look as cute as it does in this photo (sigh) and I don’t know if I will ever be able to get it as cute as the stylist made it… but I will try!!