Photo Week #22
Why does the short week after a long weekend always feel extra long? This past week was no exception. It also felt a little extra busy, from trying to figure out how much I can get feasibly done at work (and how much I should be getting done at work) before I leave for vacation (two more weeks!!!!!) to setting up and planning for Joanna and Justin’s baby shower!

It was a success, if I do say so myself. Shout out to my co host Justine. Also shout out to Trader Joes for their beautiful flowers and surprisingly empty lines at at 9:30am on a Saturday.

I don’t often make cakes, but this one was actually very easy and super tasty. Highly recommend! I was also relieved that the berries I bought on Thursday lasted until Saturday, with the exception of one container of raspberries. I hate how fast raspberries and blueberries get moldy.

Lastly, I ended my weekend with finally getting the BTS meal from McDonalds with Cindy. It was great. Jeremiah was out of town this past weekend, and since he was gone, I took the opportunity to eat Chipotle, Indomie, and salads for dinner.