Photo Week #23
Hello! I sit here writing this while staring at two beautiful bouquets of peonies (a blogger and instagram influencer fave for sure) and rustic woodland-y greenery and white roses, and a giant bag of tortilla chips. Pleasant remnants of this past weekend, unlike this nasty cold I came down with that is definitely an unpleasant leftover.
I started off this week by returning to an old favorite with Justine for a lunch with many, many french fries. I love french fries and I love that Justine is also now out of school for the summer so that we can spend more time together!

In the middle of everything else that happened this week were also games 3 and 4 of the NBA finals, and I’m a little sad that I was so preoccupied with everything else that I didn’t have time to fully process that the Warriors swept the Cavs and are back to back champions!! While we were prepping for the bridal shower, Cindy, Alice and I decided to practice with my letter board and created this heartfelt message to cheer the Warriors on. From left to right on the bottom is Steph, Andre, KD, and Draymond. Klay is the sun in the corner. The Swiffer is there to represent the clean and efficient sweep.

And then finally, the bridal shower! Leading up to it was a whirlwind of cleaning, cutting fruit, preparing drinks, and sticking tissue paper flowers on the wall. (The tissue paper flowers that are a little battered by now, but are the tissue paper flowers that keep on giving.) I’m glad that everything went well and thank you to Monica and Alice for these photos because I couldn’t keep track of where my phone was half the time and didn’t take any photos…

To round out the weekend, attended Iris and Andrew’s beautiful wedding (at a venue that was super close to my house, which was very convenient) – it was simple and elegant and very them, and of course I always have a good time dancing around like a fool at weddings.

Feeling extra thankful this past week for friends who eat and drink with me, laugh and watch bad movies with me, buy Nyquil for me, and remind me that it’s ok to not like socializing and small talk.