Photo Week #24
What a weekend! We celebrated Father’s Day a day earlier on Saturday, by driving down to Pacific Grove and Watsonville. Every time I take a day trip, I’m inspired to go on more day trips – there’s so much to see and do in California that’s so close and accessible. Definitely want to spend more time in Monterey and Napa again.
We first went strawberry picking at Crystal Bay Farm, which is a tiny little farm that seemed like hippies lived there.
The strawberries were delicious though. I think I ate almost as many as I picked!
While my parents were golfing, I took the opportunity to go on a solo drive through the 17 Mile Drive. It was so nice – although I spent the last part of the drive trying to stay ahead of a large tour bus that was also driving through – but I’m glad I did it. There was only one time where I was sitting enjoying the view that I thought, It’d be nice if there was someone here to share the view, but then I decided that I was fine with not having to talk to anybody and I could just quietly take in the scenery. I walked around with giant heart eyes for the beautiful view.
Pacific Grove, I’ll be back! Thanks for giving me a perfect Saturday to take away some of the sting of the not-so-perfect ending of Sunday and the NBA season and the Warriors could-have-been perfect season… sigh. It’ll be a long few months until October, but I’m doing a lot better today than I was last night, so I will recover…