Photo Week #24 (and a little look at Photo Week #25)
Hello! I didn’t realize I had missed Photo Week #24 until it was Wednesday and then I realized that I was going to have a really boring rest of the week so I decided to just combine weeks 24 and 25.
On Friday afternoon Jeremiah and I drove down to LA, armed with only the essentials (Hot Fries for Jeremiah, coffee for me, and sour gummy worms for the both of us). There were a lot of things that we had planned for our visit in LA – starting with celebrating two dear friends getting engaged!

It was so great to see these girls again (missed you, Cindy!) eating Korean food and just spending time with each other.

I ate so well in LA: BCD, bossam, and Kang Ho Dang. I’m getting hungry again just thinking about it!
For Father’s Day, we unexpectedly got to go to Disneyland – we found out the night before that we would be able to get in for free, which made me feel super relaxed about being in Disneyland. I didn’t feel like we had to do absolutely everything although somehow we still did end up doing everything I wanted to do.

Some highlights included going on the Guardians of the Galaxy ride (the first time I screamed the whole time, and at some points did not know whether or not we were going up or down so I just screamed to be safe), having a front row viewing spot for World of Color (and getting drenched in the process), and being able to just walk around the park leisurely and people watch.
Before we found out that we were going to Disneyland, Jeremiah and I had planned to go to Universal Studios… and although both our feet were pretty tired from the day before we still ended up going.

The main reason for going was for HARRY POTTER WORLD! I was very excited to go even though after Disneyland, Universal Studios itself was a little underwhelming (look how tired I am in this selfie haha). Harry Potter World was the best part and although we didn’t have the wand to do the magic spells, it was fun to just watch little kids try the spells and look so happy when they succeeded.

And that was my eventful LA weekend. I know I am so #blessed to have been able to go to both Disneyland and Universal Studios and I think I enjoyed both to the max that I could have on little sleep and tired feet.

Yesterday, I went to a bar by Commis, a Michelin-star rated restaurant in Oakland that was the first fancy restaurant that Jeremiah and I went to – I just went back and looked at my past posts to see if I wrote about it in a Photo Week, but I guess I didn’t! But being there reminded me that it was 2016 when I first went to Commis (with the poached egg dish that almost made me cry because it was so good – this was a similar dish and was similarly amazing), and 2016 when I first started my Photo Week journey. And then I spent some time looking back at my photos from back then.. and wow, did I do a lot during 2016. I went on a lot of trips, went to my first music festival and a few concerts, did fun things with friends… It made me feel like I have become a lot less fun in the last three years, haha. Will I continue to just become less fun in the next three years? Will the next three years of Photo Weeks continue to be as boring as this one or become even more boring? Stick around, faithful readers, to find out!!