Photo Week #25 (skipping #24)
Back from vacation! Not many photos from the week prior to that – we drove up to UC Davis with Jeremiah’s family to celebrate his brothers graduation, and it is on my to do list to edit those photos. I will do that this week.
But anyways! Hawaii! What a relaxing and refreshing trip. I am so grateful we were able to all meet together for this trip. We ate a lot, laughed a lot, and waited in a line a lot. But even when tired and hungry and hot, I’m glad to have been together.
So here is a photo dump from our time. Featured first is my tonkatsu curry dinner that I picked up at 9:30 our first night in Oahu because we severely underestimated the line situation in touristy areas.

Our second day (now all together!) was spent up at North Shore. Unpictured is our garlic shrimp from Giovanni’s Shrimp Truck, but to be honest we all thought it was just all right. Not worth the long wait. (Similar to Matsumotos) We also went to Ko’olina Lagoon to watch the sunset. Yes, we bought little 30 balloons to use as props. We also bought big 30 balloons to use as props as well, but those stayed in our hotel room.

The next day, anticipating more lines, we woke up at 5am to pick up malasadas from Leonard’s – and got to watch the sunrise from our hotel room! Then it was off to the pillbox hike and a morning at the Lanikai beach, followed by an afternoon of shopping.

Finally on our last day we decided to just relax at our hotel pool. I took three naps this day at the pool and I have zero regrets. We got reservations at Senia for our last night and the food was so well crafted! I appreciated every dish, even though by the end we were almost too full to finish. I’m looking back on these food photos and they are really not great photos, so you’ll have to trust me when I say the taste was excellent. Highly recommend!

There’s really no other feeling as great as feeling comfortable and known among old friends, that’s for sure.