Photo Week #27
Whew, I thought that taking an extra day off after "vacation" (aka, a trip with kids) would help to reorient myself back to real life, but here I am, Wednesday 5:15pm, and still feeling like I'm a bit behind. Oh well. Laundry will eventually get folded, work will eventually get done.. and this blog post will eventually get posted.
Despite the tiredness of the trip, I think it was fairly successful! (At least I think so. Jeremiah might think differently, haha) It is very hard to occupy a wriggly and active toddler for even an hour on a flight, but we managed without any super major meltdowns. Junie does this thing lately where she will scream once, very loudly, to signal her displeasure. Very jarring.

We did kid-friendly things in San Diego - Legoland, the zoo, and the beach! Shoutout to this bag of potato chips for saving our afternoon at the zoo and placating Junie enough to sit in her stroller.

Also on this trip, we made a very important discovery that Junie is a fan of burritos.

I mean, who wouldn't be??