Photo Week #31
I blinked and all of a sudden, July is gone and August is here. Crazy how that happens. I was setting up my calendar for this upcoming month in my bullet journal (yes, I am #basic and attempt to keep up with a bullet journal. So far, it’s been helpful in making me feel like I am productive – I don’t have very creative “spreads” but oh well!) and it feels like as summer is winding down, the activities and events and celebrations are just ramping up. Soon it’ll be October, and our wedding will be here, and then the holidays arrive. Time! Is! Flying! By!

Speaking of celebrations, we started off the weekend by attending a “guilty pleasures” party thrown by Sharon and Daniel as they prepare to leave the East Bay. It was definitely a bittersweet party and not only because of all the guilty pleasure food we ate and regretted a few hours later – but because it will be a sad thing adjusting to their absence. They’ve been a small part of church community that I’ve really appreciated (and needed) and now I should really make new friends.
I ate a Taco Bell soft taco, several lettuce and pork belly wraps, lots of McDonalds chicken nuggets, Canadian cheetos, flaming hot cheetos, an affogato, and a slice and a half of frozen margarita pie.

I also received my diploma this past week! I am officially a Master of Arts.