Photo Week #32 (skipping #31...)
Hello hello! I didn’t feel like there was much to say last week, and I was on “vacation” (working vacation, aka staying in Bodega Bay while watching SIGGRAPH sessions… pretty great)
The sun came out one afternoon, and so we were able to go to the beach!

The peace and quiet and fresh air were a good change of pace from normal life. Currently wishing to be back here, on a Monday morning at 9am when I haven’t done real work for a week. SIGGRAPH itself was both parts inspiring and intimidating. I feel very inadequate when I attend these sorts of conferences – I feel like I should be way smarter. And I didn’t watch as many videos as I would have liked. But the videos are up for another month, so I am making a pact to myself to try and watch a couple a week so I can continue learning!