Photo Week #33

Another weekend, another wedding... and a birthday party and a baby shower and a pre-wedding party and Nutcracker auditions. Whew! I went to bed at 9:45 last night, but somehow still feel like I could sleep for another couple of hours. I've been working towards night weaning Junie (and think we have successfully done so...? Maybe...? At least for this stage in her life until teething/sickness/other developmental changes happen again) and have been actually able to sleep longer stretches, but I still feel tired. Maybe it's just the accumulated sleep debt from the past seven months.
This past week, we learned that I am no longer Junie's favorite - now that title belongs to my mom. I was very sad, and it made me feel like I had done something wrong. Lately the number of hours I spend with Junie in a week is less than the number of hours my mom does, especially since we've been so busy on the weekend and she's stayed with the grandparents over night. I know I should be grateful that I get a little bit of a break and that she feels comfortable with other people, but... I don't know, I still feel like I am doing something wrong. Have to remind myself that this will be a stage in her life, and there will be other times where I am her favorite and not her favorite. (Who knows what the teenage years will bring...)
I should stop being sad and just figure out how to enjoy the time I do spend with Junie!!!