Photo Week #34
I don’t know if it’s been the bad air, or the heat (although not as hot anymore, thankfully), or just stress catching up to me, but I’ve been feeling pretty physically exhausted lately. Before, I was able to wake up relatively early, but now I just want to sleep in. On Saturday I slept in until almost 11am! And then spent the rest of the day in a weird half-tired, half-awake mood. Goal this week is to get more consistent sleep.

I suppose it is possible I’ve been feeling more tired because I have been exercising consistently – I took my second long bike ride yesterday with my brother, Dawn and Nicky, from my parents’ home in San Ramon all the way back to Walnut Creek! It was a really pleasant ride – pretty flat for the most part, and more shaded than I remember Iron Horse Trail being. It reminds me about the good things of living in a suburb where trails are literally right behind your backyard. I guess there is a charm in biking and exploring in a city, as well.. but as someone who is still iffy about getting started with pedaling and not very good at braking (haha, should probably get better at that) I’ll stick to trails for now, thank you very much.