Photo Week #34

We made it (almost) through August mostly in one piece!! Hallelujah. I am looking forward to a couple weekends of no plans to recover from the jam-packed last few weekends we've had. And then of course, Nutcracker rehearsals start. I should really start working out again to build up my endurance... I could barely pick up the cake for Oliver's birthday party this past weekend, haha. To be fair, it was a half sheet cake so it wasn't light or anything, but still. I should be able to pick up a cake.
This past weekend's agenda was: Oliver's 4th birthday party, Ella & Kian's 1st birthday party (Junie got to meet so many new baby friends!! It was adorable and also pure chaos trying to get a photo of all of them together), "celebrating Stacy's birthday" at the RH restaurant, and then ending with a dinner with high school friends. Party of 16, woohoo.

I say almost in one piece because unfortunately as of last night Junie has a cold - thankfully not covid (at least we're like 99% sure it's not), but still pretty rough for her. Another reason to work out more, so that I can hold her for longer periods of time in weird positions...

Lastly, ending with another photo of my crazy baby hairs, haha. I feel like Alfalfa.
This blog post is all over the place and I apologize!! It accurately reflects the state of my mind right now I think...