Photo Week #34
Week 34 - week 6 of daycare - Junie finally stopped crying at dropoff!!! The first day it happened, I did not want to get my hopes up in case it was a fluke. But now it's been four days (and also over a weekend!) and she just waltzes in and sits at her chair ready to eat breakfast. We did it!! She doesn't even say bye to me, haha.
I feel so much relief knowing she is doing okay and even has friends she wants to play with at school. And she learns so much random stuff at school - like the other day I was reading a book to her that showed a dolphin swimming, and she knew how to act out swimming! She has also learned the Baby Shark song, which we purposely did not play for her, but it is pretty funny to watch her do the hand movements and sing "baby do do do do" to herself.

The above is the remnants of dinner with friends in SF - where we had very adult conversation such as, the housing market, aches and pain, and marriage advice. Riveting!! (But actually it was, and I very much enjoyed the night out even though I suffered the next day and needed to take a lunchtime nap)