Photo Week #39

Sometimes I feel like our baby is a bottomless pit. Although I'm just noticing now that there is a noodle on her leg in the second photo, haha. Most of the times, though, she's actually really good at putting the food in her mouth - the amount of food that I've had to clean off of the floor/her high chair/her bib has decreased by quite a bit in the last couple of weeks since we've started eating more real food!
This past week, I also decided that I finally wanted to start pumping less. I know I've been saying for months now that I'm not sure how long I can keep breastfeeding and shared my worries about my supply, but somehow we've made it to almost 9 months and now I am making this decision rather than having the decision made for me. It feels really weird - and I've already second guessed myself a bunch of times, especially since we suspect Junie has a milk allergy and thus can't drink regular formula. Did you know that formula has milk proteins in it? I did not. I learned that this week - so we'll have to find a dairy-free or hypoallergenic formula for her. I'm so glad I decided to do a patch test with the formula first before I completely weaned and then would have had nothing to feed her with!
I'm looking forward to be free from pumping - I already feel more productive at work now that I've dropped one of the sessions. And now since Nutcracker rehearsals have started, that would have been another day/afternoon where I would have had to pump versus just nursing all day like I generally do on the weekends, so... yes. I feel that this is the right decision to make at this time, as sad as it is that this section of motherhood is ending...