Photo Week #43
Guess who has two thumbs and broke production in her first two weeks (plus one day) of work? THIS GIRL! Was already feeling a little emotionally insecure (thanks imposter syndrome + PMS) so I’m trying hard to remind myself this is all a learning process, and better to get this first production break out of the way now.

This past week, inspired by The Great British Bake-Off, I made a chocolate babka! I guess that is a perk of WFH, being able to start a dough to rise during lunchtime and keeping an eye on it throughout the afternoon. I made a super ugly twist, but it evened out after an extra long second rise by the window (it was quite cold in the house)! And it baked nicely and stayed moister than I anticipated on the inside.
Also last Monday was Jeremiah and my first wedding anniversary. I think I forgot to mention that when I posted, haha. So, happy anniversary to us! We got takeout sushi and cake from Whole Foods and it was just enough of a celebration.
It made me think that, I can barely remember what last year felt like. I was finishing school, I graduated, we were throwing many summer parties, I planned a wedding… and that seems so very distant now. Even the beginning of this year seems like it was from ten years ago – traveling to Japan, about to start a job in Palo Alto, feeling sad about saying goodbye to my morning adult ballet class. I feel extra sad that I haven’t seen those women in 8 months now. I’m trying to put words to how I feel, about how this “new reality” doesn’t feel new at all anymore, but somehow I can’t. It’s like, I’ve adjusted to this life now and the thought of having to adjust again just seems tiring.
Take care of yourselves this week, friends. Eat some potato chips for me.