Photo Week #45
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming – even went to my normal Monday morning ballet class today and although I felt okay during class I have the feeling that my muscles are going to be complaining all day tomorrow. I’m doing this last little bit of procrastination by blogging and then it’s back to staring at my demo reel and seeing how I can add or remove things to make it better.

This past week, I got to witness the VERY FIRST WIN at Chase Center!! I went with not very high hopes about the results and was pleasantly surprised. I sat next to a Portland fan and his tired girlfriend, and it shows how far I’ve come as a person that I refrained from making snide comments under my breath.
It’s been good to settle slowly back into a routine – I often wonder how long this period of unemployment will last in my life and I should take advantage of it while I can, haha. How much do I actually want to work? Maybe no one ever actually wants to work… but no work at all gets old pretty fast too. Maybe that’s why I can always find something to do around the house, to keep myself busy. Anyways, the goal is to at least try and get a job in “the industry” – and if I really can’t, then – on to the next thing, I guess…