Photo Week #47
This past week was marked with lots of good food and dogs.

In LA, we went to majordōmo, a newish Korean-inspired restaurant by David Chang. The food was heartier than I expected (from left to right: a “bing” with jalapeno and mussels sauce, a macaroni and chickpea that tasted just like mac and cheese, and basically galbi jim with cheese and french fries) although halfway through the meal I started to feel super queasy thanks to half a glass (maybe not even half) of Sauvignon Blanc that I unwisely ordered and I had to take a break from eating. I also blame the carsickness from the stop and go traffic on the way there. LA traffic is the worst.

Thanksgiving Day was spent watching a lot of football with a lot of dogs. Not a terrible way to spend a day, but maybe not the best for my health after eating a lot of food the entire week…