Photo Week #48
It seems like forever ago since I last posted but in reality it’s just been one week (as always). Last week I was saying how there are a bunch of things that are jam packed into the last few weeks of 2019 and since Thanksgiving has now passed, it feels like things are off and running and it will be a while since I can get a breather.

For Thanksgiving, Jeremiah and I drove down to LA to spend the week with his family and we had lots of non-traditional Thanksgiving food which I was totally okay with. Not pictured here is was my favorite dish, the big pot of lugao, or the Filipino version of congee. My favorite Thanksgiving food, in general, is green bean casserole, but for mostly nostalgia reasons. I remember how I was intrigued by the commercials I kept seeing for green bean casserole and told my mom I wanted to try making it to see what it was all about. It feels a little like a trendy thing now to remember your immigrant roots and how your Thanksgiving and other holiday meals were just so unlike the normal American meal and maybe how you just wanted a normal Thanksgiving for once but to be honest my child-of-immigrants feelings about Thanksgiving and traditional foods are that Chinese food just tastes better. Anyways, not like they had green bean casserole at “the first Thanksgiving” either. And not like we should really be celebrating the fact that whoever ends up in power gets to rewrite history to make them seem like the good guys.
In other news, we also went to a Lakers game, where they demolished the Wizards.

When we drove back to the Bay Area on Saturday, it was snowing on the grapevine! It made for a very long and painful drive back up but it was a very pretty view.
I started a seasonal job today as a card calligrapher for Cuyana – it’s not a very intense job and there is a lot of down time, but it was kind of fun to write other people’s cards and get paid for it. Maybe it’s not the best use of my time (considering the drive there and back) but I feel useful. Nutcracker is also wrapping up and I feel lucky that I’ve had that as a “job” too – and watching my dancers during dress rehearsal made me feel so proud of how much they’ve learned and grown during the last 10 weeks and a little proud of myself, too, that I can teach and coach and have it actually result in something.
And now I can check “blog” off my to-do list for today and get started on the rest of the small tasks I have to make myself feel accomplished. Happy December, everyone!