Photo Week #48
Less than one hand’s worth of weeks left. Crazy! I also have two weeks left of my workout program and two weeks left of work before holiday shutdown so I’m looking forward to the next couple of weeks going by quickly.
This past week, I made persimmon cognac bread! Fun fact – the first time I made this bread I used Jeremiah’s Hennessey VSOP and got scolded for using the good alcohol. This time we bought a cheaper brand called “Maison Rouge” and it was so strong that even after baking, when I cut into the bread (and even now as I’m enjoying a toasted slice for breakfast) I can smell and taste the alcohol. Haha. Then again, I might have poured in a little extra because I wasn’t paying close attention to the measuring cup…

The night before baking, I puréed hachiya persimmons into this lovely orange goop. I also learned (thanks internet) that if you have hachiya persimmons you want to ripen faster, you can put them into the freezer! It worked for me, at least.

I also topped the loaf with candied persimmons, although you really couldn’t tell they were candied after it baked because it browned so much… oh well. Still 5/5 stars (to me) and 100% would bake again.
December has started so that means holiday mugs! For Jeremiah that means a Charlie Brown Christmas mug and for me it’s a variety of Nutcracker mugs. This week probably would have been dress rehearsal and show week and while I didn’t miss the Sunday afternoon madness of rehearsals, I did miss coaching and choreographing for the dancers. Wow, I just realized that this is probably the first year in a long time I haven’t listened to the Nutcracker suite at all.
Maybe during my holiday work break I will try to take some dance classes, if there are any studios open for online classes during that time…