Photo Week #49
Whoops, did not count my weeks correctly and mistakenly labeled last post as Week 45… when it was really Week 46. And now here we are, three more weeks until the end of 2017 – crazy!
This past week was my first week of unemployment and filled with lots of cleaning, organizing, running errands (aka shopping) and Nutcracker weekend! Plus some very late nights early on in the week as I was trying to get over jet lag. When there is nothing urgent to wake up for in the morning it was very hard to get yourself to sleep, as I found out in the early part of the week when I did not go to sleep until 4:30am for three days in a row. So fun.

I was sad I wasn’t able to go to the Salesforce holiday party this year (was supposed to be my year… sigh.) but a benefit to not being able to go was Alice being able to come up and spend the day in the Bay Area! These one day trips are so great and hopefully more will happen next year.

I was able to Facetime my mom in Taiwan after I came back – totally forgot that there was a Warriors game during the same time, and instead of talking we just watched the game together. And since my stream was on a delay, I made her turn her phone around so that I could watch with her at the same time, because spoilers are the worst. (Apologies to anyone I’ve ever texted spoilers to before. It really sucks. Now I understand.)

I know I had to come back to California because of Nutcracker, but this time leaving Taiwan was especially hard – not to mention because of the food I was missing! It was super nice to be able to catch up with Stephanie over some good old Taiwanese rice porridge. So yummy. I feel like I should be able to make this on my own – but I also feel lost when I cook without recipes and it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of good Chinese food recipes out there for home-y food like this…

There is a very specific, exhilirating joy in finding the perfect container for your organizing needs after going on a cleaning and organizing spree in your bathroom. My random assortment of bobby pins (three different kinds in different sizes) finally have a nice home!! I am so happy.

This past weekend was Nutcracker weekend, and look how cute our kids are! The littlest one was only six years old and he was so excited to perform. I generally feel intimidated by the high school girls that are performing but this time I was smart and I didn’t try (too hard) to be cool. So what if I am a loser who thinks its cool to be a party parent and return home to dance in my old dance studio’s production – I love the teachers at SRVDA and if anything I just want to be their friends. That’s more important to me than validation from any high school girl!