Photo Week #49
Hello! I was sitting on BART this morning thinking about what to post for my upcoming photo week posts and realized that I completely forgot about posting yesterday. I was in semi-recovery mode yesterday due to the busy-ness of Nutcracker weekend – it was a fun and rewarding weekend but definitely very tiring even without having to dance. I was reflecting on Sunday about how there are many things that I wish were different about the last four years and where I could have gone after coming home from New York (although I guess that is included about things that I wish could have been different) but I am glad that somehow I did find my way back to my old dance studio and have been able to help out as much as I have, at least for the past few months. Maybe it’s just a good ego boost that the students there seem to really appreciate me being there and it’s always nice to feel appreciated and respected. I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing by returning and being this involved, and sometimes I wonder if my past self would judge my present self for not being more ambitious and not expanding my horizons. But as my mom says, you can only walk down one path during this one life you have so I need to stop being so indecisive about whether or not to judge my past and present self and just move on with my life.
Despite that sort of downer first paragraph, I was going to write that surprisingly I have a lot more Christmas and holiday spirit than I have in the years past. Maybe it’s because the past two winter seasons have been marked by job and company upheaval and this year has been a little more stable (although there’s still a lot of insecurity about where I’ll be next year).

Hope everyone is having a good holiday season so far!