Photo Week #49

Sorry for the super bad quality photos, but was excited to see both these answers in a crossword last week. Yay for BTS and yay for boba! Although Jeremiah pointed out that “boba” isn’t really a variety of tea, because it’s the balls inside the tea, but… I give it a pass because the word is used to denote a genre of drink that encompasses some tea drinks. Anyways. Special shout out to BTS for being my top played song on Spotify, and for carrying me through the end of 2020.
I celebrated two events with my company this past week – a ginormous Zoom call honoring colleagues who were celebrating their 2, 5, 10, and 15 year anniversaries with the company, and an even more ginormous Zoom call for our holiday party. Although I sadly did not receive my holiday party tiki-themed box on time (actually have not even received it yet) I still had fun participating in all the breakout rooms available and listening to the karaoke. Yes, there was a sign up for karaoke where you would share your screen and sing in front of hundreds of your colleagues. It is hard for me to fathom the type of person who would do this, but apparently they are out there!!