Photo Week #50

On maternity leave and it feels great to be done with work! We went to Tasty Pot the first night. It’s so great having a Tasty Pot near to us.
The next couple of days were spent doing a lot of laundry and cleaning. Baby clothes are so small so I could fit a lot into one load, but then there was so much to fold. But at least now I have a clean baby onesie to bring with me to the hospital so baby will have something to wear when she comes home for the first time!

I finally threw away the tissue paper flowers that I’ve saved for five years, since before I moved to this house. End of an era…
Unpictured this week: cookie exchange (although I did get some content for @friendswithkitchens) and white elephant. Will this be the last time I see friends before baby comes?! We shall see…