Photo Week #7
1 min read

Photo Week #7

So I tried looking at each day hour by hour this week and you know what? Some days were still hard but there were some days that I felt more prepared for and more rested for. So I will count that as a win and try again this week.

I can't believe this is the last week of March already... next month I really have to buckle down and finalize plans for Tokyo and Taipei - I want to find that balance between already having things booked so that we don't have to worry about plans and meals the day of, but also leaving room to be flexible in case we are all just too tired. Which means - trying to do as much research as I can during downtime at work and after Junie goes to sleep if I'm not too tired. But at some point I just have to commit and book things, right?? I'm so worried about making a mistake or not doing enough research, but eventually... I just have to do it...

Anyways, I expect a lot of my March will be stressing about upcoming travel but I hope that the pre-stress will mean that I have less actual trip stress. But who knows. I probably will be stressed during the trip too. Which begs the question, why are we even doing this???? I don't know. I think it will be worth it. I hope it will be worth it...