Photo Week #9
March is here, bringing with it bright sunny days and also dreary rainy days. Quit playin’ games with my heart, spring weather!

It’s funny looking back on these pretty photos of nature as I write this post, because the first I took when I leisurely strolled from my parent’s house down to the golf course (about 1 mile, downhill) and the second I took in the middle of a disastrous run (3 miles, uphill, and I did not run the entire way).

Did you know that Chez Panisse has a Monday to Thursday post-9:30pm deal on a steak and wine dinner? To be honest, it wasn’t that impressive (the previous – and only – meal I ate at Chez Panisse blew me away, and this one was just meh) but it was still a fun night with friends.

On Saturday, I made the long trek down to Sunnyvale to eat hot pot with some friends who I don’t have time to see very often – which makes it more important for me to make time for them when I can! I am grateful to them for accepting and enveloping me into their group, and for providing some needed Chinese American-ness into my life.
I’ve been trying to decorate my house lately – so far, I just have a list of things I want. Perhaps now is not the time to decorate, given that I don’t have a lot of disposable income, but… slowly, it will happen!