Photo Weeks #25 and #26

Being a parent and going on vacation means exclusively taking photos of your kid and not of scenery or food. We spent six days on vacation in Oahu and whew, it was equal parts tiring and relaxing. Junie did fairly well on the flights - she didn't have any major meltdowns, but also didn't nap and wanted to be held while standing almost the entire time. Which meant a lot of bouncing in the aisles and then having to dip back into our row when people came down the aisle... workout complete for the day, haha. This was a theme throughout our trip - since going back to work, I actually don't hold Junie a lot during the day and I forgot how physically tiring it can be lugging around a 15 pound weight all day.

Overall, though, it was so fun to go on vacation with the Wons - four parents to three kids - we survived! And although we are suffering the consequences of messing with Junie's sleep schedule and habits now (hello, sleep training round two...) I have to remind myself it was worth it to see her experience things like the ocean and the beach and the gentle crashing of waves. She did not enjoy the ocean - but looking back perhaps we should have eased her into it more... and you know, open water is super scary so it is very valid to be scared!!

Minus having to sleep train again, I do feel more prepared to go on vacation with Junie again - just had to take the leap to do things I was scared of, like take an infant on a 5 hour flight and change her in public bathrooms. And now I've conquered that - the world is our oyster! (But actually sleep training again really sucks. Sigh.)